Monday, March 29, 2010

Going slowly.......

Things on the weight loss front are not going very well. Really its because my focus seems to be on other things.....slightly stressful things.

I am going out of town tomorrow for 5 days to Niagara Falls. This is going to be hard because we will be eating out for most of our meals. I am going to try hard to focus on choosing the right foods.

I am DEFINITELY going to start doing some activity on April 5th.....someone hold me to that!!!
I really need to get active as I really don't want to carry all of this weight around with me, especially everything around my middle section.

I haven't lost any weight since rejoining, and now that some of the stress is gone I think I can do it.

Nikisha ♥

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think we really have to work our way in to "getting back in to the groove". Do something small everyday like a salad at lunch or carrying around a water bottle - and incorporate it in to your routine, eventually all of those small things will start adding up and you'll realize you're doing it :)
